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How to Guarantee Job Security

Job security is on the minds of many workers these days. And who can blame them when you hear of a 20-something that was recently hired by a large corporation, only to discover that this corporation has announced the layoffs of tens of thousands of its employees. It’s enough to get even those satisfied with their jobs feeling a bit skittish.

News of job layoffs can be unsettling. Just the mere thought of anyone being fired can set off an atmosphere of uncertainty. And the way to handle that fear is not always so clear.

For example, I recently spoke to a marketing analyst whose company announced a restructuring. She of course was concerned about her future prospects and wanted to know just how much risk she was at losing her job. So she asked her supervisor. Thankfully, the supervisor gave her great news and assured her she was not going to lose her job. As someone who coaches others about finding jobs, that would not have been my suggestion – to approach a supervisor and ask about job security. In my view, that could potentially cause a power struggle and the employee could find herself in an awkward position of either living up to higher expectations or at the mercy of a bad-intentioned boss. But this woman went with her guts and she fared well. Only thing she’s waiting to hear about is whether she’ll be made to give up her remote position and compelled back into the office. Personally, I think that is exactly what was behind the whole restructuring strategy, and that’s precisely what will happen.

There are other ways to guarantee job security. Such as showing commitment and genuine regard for the work you produce. It’s a measure I use to decide which client should be referred to which company and what agency I’d like to recommend them to. It’s important to know that as my clients, they are going to get the job done and not sabotage my department’s name. I’d hate to send off a client with a nonchalant attitude about work ethics to a partner agency, only to learn that they’re not putting in the required effort. It looks bad for them, and bad for me.

Another way to gauge job security is to listen intently to the feedback you’re receiving. If you find that you’re constantly being condemned for just about anything, then it’s a sign that your job may be in trouble. It may also be a sign that your supervisor is impossible to work with too. At this point, you’ll have to decide if it’s time to move on to another job before you lose yours or whether you’re going to take the initiative and try a little harder at pleasing this supervisor. The only ones who understand the dynamics behind this type of relationship are the parties involved. At this point, you’ll have to decide if it’s something you want to work on, continue to tolerate, or if it’s best to find new employment. As the example with the marketing analyst shows, you have just got to trust yourself in making such a decision.

Losing your job is not fun, but it’s not the end of the world either. By keeping your resume updated, making it a point to learn new skills, and maintaining a professional relationship with your coworkers, it’s only a matter of time before you will find the ideal job.

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