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Learning Technology to Up Your Game

Technology is having such an influence in a fast-changing workforce that it’s hard to keep up sometimes. I know because of the challenges I face at work whenever new technology hits the workplace. Once you think you’ve mastered the basics, and a little more, you’re looking facedown at a new technology that has you baffled.

With this in mind, we’ve been schooled enough at work and at school about the importance of keeping up. With the way digital trends are changing, sometimes it’s impossible. The only way to get around this challenge is to focus. By that I mean, if you’re just hitting the workforce, or thinking of a career change, it’s to your benefit to consider the type of digital skills you’ll need to stay abreast of your work. Once you’ve zoned in on the type of position you want, you then want to determine which skills you want to strengthen and which ones you want to learn. This approach is better than trying to understand all the tech products out there. There’s way too many and you’ll only stress yourself out.

Another piece of advice I share with clients is to find time to grab a hold of digital products and play with them. I’m talking about apps, computers, laptops, AI, chat bots, etc. I know by observing the younger generation that they don’t always stand around wondering what new courses they should take to learn whatever is out there. They simply download an app, or buy the newest tech products available, and just play with them. An hour or so of your time maneuvering a new product will benefit you in ways you in multiple ways.

For one thing, once you get a hang of what’s out there, trying new products will become easier. You’re no longer perceiving technology as something you have to master. Instead, that new product will become second-nature. Of course new trends make their way to the marketplace all the time, but they’re minor adjustments as time goes by. So you’re building skills as you go along and moving on to new products because you’ve already got the hang of it.

So find some time to play and plan. Make it a point to pick out the newest product out there and try to learn it on your own – as the new generation does. Then when you’re in a more serious mood, ask yourself what upcoming technology will become important to your advancement at work and make the time to learn that as well.

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