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U.S. Companies Are Making Employees Stay – Whether They Want to or Not

We’ve been made to believe U.S. companies have been flummoxed about the new workplace trends that have made their way into the workforce since the pandemic. Whether it’s dealing with “quiet quitting” or the merits of remote work, allegedly employers are having a tough time trying to figure out ways to retain staff. Turns out companies are merely exaggerating.

My current workplace sources have shared that companies are now introducing incentives to trap new hires into complying with past company policies. Want to keep your job? Then you better work a whole month without taking any time off, including for emergencies. Qualify for the company-sponsored retirement plan? Great! Only you won’t have access to those funds until five years out. Want to work remote? Sure, but you better prove yourself first, even though remote standards will depend on company policies. Overlooked by the latest layoffs? Not too fast, because you will have to give up some of that previously allocated vacation time.

See, company heads are not dumb. They know they have a lost battle on their hands, so now they’re taking a round-about tactic to hiring employees and keep them on their terms. And for those fortunate enough to stick around, they are already too tied up to company expectations to try anything “quiet”.

I kid you not. I’ve had several sources return to tell me that things have become a lot more demanding at the workplace. Fast food chains once accustomed to quick employee turnovers are now making workers stick around a little longer. Large companies that want more control over the scheduling process are now implementing changes to make employees want to stay around. I mean, who wants to give up the company’s shares of 401 K deposits they will miss out on if they leave before that five-year timeline?

So, don’t be fooled. Companies are not struggling with retention, or even with the hiring process. They’re just making sure the whole thing goes their way. I even had one client tell me she was rejected for an entry-level position before the interview ended because she asked for a scheduling adjustment. And you better expect the economy to react to these threats — er, changes somewhere down the line.

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